Tough negotiations have delivered BC farmers a landmark recovery package that promises to help farmers recover from catastrophic flooding and landslides last November. The provincial and federal agriculture ministers have combined two relief programs to secure $228 million in funding under what’s billed as the “2021 Flood Recovery Program for Food Security.” Delivered through AgriRecovery, …
Farm workforce shortfall
A labour market outlook the province released this week forecasts 7,100 jobs openings in agriculture and supporting sectors over the next decade. Approximately 6,800 openings will become available through attrition while 300 will be the result of the sector’s expansion, according to the report from the Labour Market Information Office of the BC Ministry of …
BCAC gala goes online
COVID-19 continues to cast a long shadow, with the BC Agriculture Council making yet another change to plans for its annual gala. Originally scheduled for January 26 in advance of the Pacific Agriculture Show, the gala was rescheduled for April 1 in view of a surge in cases of COVID-19 attributable to the highly transmissible …
Grape crop falls short
Despite optimism as harvest began, BC grape growers are reporting the shortest crop in years. “Despite wine grape growers’ best efforts, our forecasts suggest that the industry is set for yet another material short crop in 2021, perhaps the worst in at least nine years,” reports Miles Prodan, CEO of Wine Growers BC in his …
Watershed security report
The province is asking for input on a new watershed security strategy that “will identify a role for all British Columbians in taking care of our watersheds within a broad provincial framework.” A discussion paper published January 25 makes scant reference to agriculture, but the ramifications for the sector are significant. The proposed strategy would …
LSAF Grants and Scholarships
On-farm projects that provide immediate and direct benefits to individual farms in Langley and the wider agricultural community are the focus of a new series of grants offered through the Langley Sustainable Agricultural Foundation. Research, educational programs and on-farm improvements that support agriculture undertaken by farmers, students and post-secondary institutions are eligible for funding. Grants …