This week’s budget delivered a big boost to the BC Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries. An extra $8 million was allocated to the ministry, an 8% increase from a year ago. The ministry budget now exceeds $107 million. The increase benefits two key areas, with the largest tranche of additional funding supporting the large …
Ottawa funds beneficial practices
Beneficial management practices were the big winner in the week’s funding announcements by government. The same day as Victoria announced $15 million over three years to assist farmers embrace green agriculture practices, Ottawa announced a grant of $8 million through the $200-million On-Farm Climate Action Fund, part of the larger Agricultural Climate Solutions initiative. The …
CanadaGAP expands options
Many small fruit and vegetable producers say CanadaGAP requirements are complex and onerous. While the major grocers require that suppliers participate in the national food safety certification program, many growers are opting out. Program participation fell for the first time since inception last year, with BC – home to the largest proportion of CanadaGAP participants …
Glyphosate shortage impacts unknown
A supplier’s plant malfunction is jeopardizing Bayer CropScience’s ability to deliver glyphosate-containing products. One of Bayer’s key raw material suppliers experienced a mechanical failure that’s led to a “substantial reduction in production rates,” the company announced February 11. “Bayer’s ability to supply its customers with glyphosate or glyphosate-containing products as agreed upon in certain agreements …
Hazelnut funding renewed
The province is shelling out another $100,000 for the four-year-old hazelnut renewal program. The funding will support two rounds of funding, one this spring with an application deadline of March 28 and another this fall that opens August 9. “We are beginning to see positive results of the program as hazelnut production has almost tripled …
Dairy NEP shortlist chosen
The BC Milk Marketing Board has announced the 10 finalists for this year’s new entrant program. The board received 66 completed applications by the February 11 deadline, down from 79 last year. The shortlist of 10 candidates included nine men, one womn, those with a family connection to the sector and newcomers. The shortlist was …