Producers and consumers alike are keeping close tabs on prices at the pumps. While relief cannot come soon enough for farmers, fuel prices show no signs of dropping until the second half of the year. That means producers will have to consider operational changes or bite the bullet as the busy summer season approaches. “If …
Wages rise June 1
BC’s minimum wage has increased to $15.65 an hour effective June 1, a 2.8% increase from $15.20 last year. The increase was announced in March and reflects the annual inflation rate for 2021. Piece rates for hand-harvesters will rise by a similar percentage on January 1, 2023. The increase adds to input costs farmers face, …
73,500 birds hit by AI
The spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza to the Fraser Valley has pushed the total number of birds affected in BC to nearly 73,500 across 12 properties. The past week has seen four new outbreaks, including two commercial poultry operations in West Abbotsford and a small-lot operation near Osprey Lake, between Princeton and Summerland. Two …
New Zealand follows US challenge
New Zealand has taken its cue from the US and launched its own challenge of Canada’s allocation of dairy quotas. On May 12, New Zealand initiated dispute settlement proceedings against Canada regarding its implementation of tariff rate quotas under the terms of the CP-TPP trade deal. New Zealand has informed Canada and other signatories to …
Ruckle Farm managers honoured
Mike and Marjorie Lane are the recipients of the Heritage BC Distinguished Service Award for their contribution to enhancing and maintaining the historic Ruckle Farm on Salt Spring Island. Ruckle Heritage Farm is the oldest operating family farm in the Gulf Islands. Mike moved to Ruckle Provincial Park in 1990 as park facility operator and …
Ranchers facing rangeland losses
WESTWOLD – Ranchers in areas hit hard by last year’s heat dome, wildfires and drought shouldn’t count on rushing out on their rangeland this summer, cautions a professional agrologist. Chris Wellman, a fence contractor and former range agrologist with the Vernon Forest District, says many herds may need to stick close to home this season …