BC is one of the smaller markets for agricultural plastics in Canada, accounting for 7% of total annual tonnage nationwide. But fresh numbers from national stewardship organization Cleanfarms indicate that BC is recycling more of that plastic than ever before. Data for 2021 indicate 118,892 small pesticide and fertilizer containers (less than 23 litres) were …
Helping cattle keep their cool in the heat
CHILLIWACK – The unprecedented heat this summer has producers and consumers alike wondering what life will be like in the future as climate projections anticipate further temperature increases across the province. The Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium at the University of Victoria says Chilliwack could average as many as 29 days over 30°C each year, up …
To hoard or not to hoard: that is the question
It could be said, so I’ll say it here, that it’s quite likely farmers come in two types: those who save their scrap metal, and those who do not. Obviously, there are myriad further sub-types. Farmers are a complicated, thoughtful, diverse and stereotype-busting bunch and I would be the last to publicly suggest otherwise. On …
Wildfire 2021: ‘They keep locals in the dark. That is really problematic.’
MERRITT – Rhonda and Wayne MacDonald of Bar FX Ranch planned to stay and fight the approaching Lytton Creek fire until they lost power. But as they loaded up their last liner with cattle, a fire tornado breached the top of a hill and raced towards them against the smoky dusk skies. It was in …
Country Life in BC wins big
An unprecedented year for BC farmers led to unprecedented recognition for Country Life in BC at the Canadian Farm Writers Federation awards in Regina last week. The paper’s coverage of last year’s extreme weather and resilient people in words and photos garnered eight awards at the October 1 event, which drew entries from across Canada. …
Western dairy groups streamline
Dairy producers in the four western provinces will operate as a single production unit under the terms of an agreement signed last week. “BC Milk, BC Dairy, Alberta Milk, SaskMilk, and Dairy Farmers of Manitoba have all agreed to a partnership approach that aligns the resources and expertise of the five organizations under one WMP,” …