The province updated industry this week on efforts announced July 14 to match producers with feed supplies. Access to Feed, a provincially funded program delivered in partnership with the BC Cattlemen’s Association, will see BC Cattlemen’s match sellers of hay and feed domestically across Canada and internationally with farmers and producers. The program is providing …
Livestock health in spotlight
The health of Canada’s livestock took centre stage as federal, provincial and territorial ministers of agriculture emerged from their annual meeting in Fredericton last week. During the closing press conference where ministers summarized their work, federal agriculture minister Marie-Claude Bibeau announced the establishment of a Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) vaccine bank. The most recent federal budget …
Province consults on agritech
A legislature committee is requesting submissions regarding soil health and carbon sequestration as part of a consultation designed to inform the province’s agritech and regenerative agriculture strategy. The Select Standing Committee on Agriculture, Fish and Food is accepting written submissions through November 17. Public meetings will be scheduled for November. “Committee members are interested in …
Drought threatens feed supply
Ranchers and livestock producers took it on the chin in 2021 and into 2022 as the heat dome then a deep drought curtailed forage production in the Interior and on the Prairies. A repeat performance is shaping up this year, with low moisture levels on the Prairies set to reduce yields of feedgrains. This will …
Province files AgriRecovery request
The province has asked Ottawa to support an AgriRecovery program for the province’s beef sector, days after representatives of the province’s grape and wine sector asked agriculture minister Pam Alexis for similar support in response to last December’s devastating freeze event that killed a third of their vineyards. “I have spoken with federal minister [Marie-Claude] …
Langley seeks deregulation
A three-month consultation period is underway in the Township of Langley as the municipality seeks ways to reduce the red tape preventing farmers from farming. The township has asked the Langley Farmers Institute to gather feedback prior to any changes. “Our municipal government has approached us to do an analysis of the pros and cons …