BC Milk has chosen five candidates to become new dairy producers as part of this year’s selection process. The board chose four producers from a shortlist of seven candidates selected by random draw earlier this year to enter conventional production and one producer was chosen to meet the demand for organic production out of pool …
Peace Region land-sharing proposal nixed
FORT ST. JOHN – Widespread opposition from landowners in the Peace has nixed a bid by four First Nations to initiate a treaty land sharing arrangement in the region similar to one that exists in Saskatchewan. Doig River, Halfway River, Prophet River and West Moberly First Nations – all signatories to Treaty 8 – had …
Water cut to growers
A growing number of what the province tactfully calls “suspected unauthorized users” are being ordered to stop groundwater extractions, jeopardizing their operations. A total of 17 users on Vancouver Island have received orders to date, including 10 in the Koksilah and seven in the Tsolum watersheds, Connie Chapman, acting director of the Water Management Branch …
New federal minister
What’s old is new again as Justin Trudeau shuffled his cabinet in what many say sets the stage for a general election. Lawrence MacAulay was reappointed to the agriculture portfolio following a four-year stint as minister of veterans affairs and associate minister of national defence. He succeeds Marie-Claude Bibeau, who was transferred to be minister …
Food Day in Canada milestone
A long-standing day to celebrate food in Canada will be officially recognized this year on its 20th anniversary. Food Day in Canada, which has long had the support of politicians who issue statements applauding the farmers, processors and chefs who are key players in making food in Canada what it is, won official recognition this …
Cowichan Bay project set to swamp farmland
DUNCAN – The province’s emphasis on food security is being undercut by competing interests that, in the most recent case, threaten to literally swamp a productive farm in the Cowichan Valley. A watershed planning agreement the province signed in May with the Cowichan Tribes will see Cowichan Bay’s historic Dinsdale Farm become a marsh. The …