VANCOUVER – Demand for farm workers will hit 45,000 by 2025, up from approximately 43,300 in 2014, and while the increase doesn’t sound like a lot, an older, diminishing farm work force means there are a lot fewer people available than there was once was. A recent report from the Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council …
Dairy vs eggs in outstanding young farmer competition
ABBOTSFORD – After graduating from high school, Gary Baars hung up a shingle as TNT Agri-Services, offering “relief milking and much more.” On January 11, that “much more” made the now 33-year-old Chilliwack dairyman, hay salesman and cattle dealer and his wife, Marie (26), the BC & Yukon Outstanding Young Farmers for 2017. In 2006, …
Freight Farm feeds local niche
SAANICH – From inside a refurbished freight container, the future of farming is extremely bright. Ribbons of red and blue LED grow lights hang from the ceiling, super-charging the growth of vertical columns of greens. Welcome to Bright Greens Canada, one of BC’s first so-called ‘freight farms.’ “This is a refurbished 40-foot shipping container that …
Marketing board reviewing dairy quota
VANCOUVER – The BC Milk Marketing Board is beginning another review of its quota and solids-non-fat policies, producers were told at the BCMMB annual meeting and producer meeting in Vancouver on December 2. The review is intended to address production shortages and an unhealthy butterfat to solids-non-fat ratio. BCMMB member Jeremy Wiebe noted 15,000 to …
Hazelnut growers optimistic
CHILLIWACK – The BC hazelnut industry has bottomed out, BC Hazelnut Growers’ Association director Thom O’Dell told a large group of current and potential new growers at the hazelnut field day at Helmut Hooge’s farm in Chilliwack in September. Once flourishing in the Fraser Valley, hazelnut growers started falling on hard times when Eastern Filbert …
David Schmidt honored with lifetime achievement award
SASKATOON – Country Life in BC’s own David Schmidt was honoured with a lifetime achievement award in September by the Canadian Farm Writers’ Federation (CFWF). The award recognizes long-serving members who have made outstanding contributions to the organization and to the agricultural communications or media industries. Schmidt has been a leader within BC’s farm writing …