SMITHERS – As wildfires in BC’s Central Interior seared the land and sent homesteaders, farmers and ranchers scrambling to evacuate animals, their neighbours to the northwest sprang into action. It didn’t take long for rural residents in the Bulkley Valley to open their pastures to anyone who needed it to house livestock or provide much-needed …
Right to Farm Act review cancelled
VICTORIA – Victoria, which quietly initiated a review of the province’s Right to Farm legislation in 2015, has just as quietly shelved the project. The change of government last year brought a change of priorities. “Over the past year, the BC government has taken a fresh approach to preserving agriculture land in BC and encouraging …
Organic labelling regulations kick in September 1
VERNON – The province’s new labelling regulations for organic products kick in September 1, but producers who don’t comply will face warnings before being hit with fines. “The BC government, working with Certified Organic Associations of BC (COABC), will use a graduated enforcement approach that initially focuses on bringing businesses and individuals into compliance through …
New entrants face scrutiny, but no waitlist
ABBOTSFORD – Are you genuinely interested in becoming a dairy farmer? Having finally cleared its waitlist, the BC Milk Marketing Board has released details of its revised New Entrant Program (NEP). Unlike previous iterations, the new NEP will not include a waitlist. “Waiting 10 or 15 years to get started is not workable,” says BCMMB …
National park reserve consultations to resume
OLIVER – Plans for a national park reserve continue to advance despite the concerns of ranchers and conservation groups alike. BC Ministry of Environment staff told Country Life in BC last month that “tripartite discussions are ongoing between [the] feds, province and the Okanagan Nation.” The comment came after Parks Canada officials told media in …
Wildfire lessons learned, but still work to be done
VICTORIA – Workshops aimed at fireproofing BC farms and ranches seem to be working despite record-breaking fire seasons this year and last. Cattle operations have been the farms the hardest hit by wildfires over the past two years, thanks in large part to their dependence on Crown tenures and forage resources. Ranches and farms from …