Representatives of BC fruit growers had a conference call with Canadian Food Inspection Agency officials yesterday to discuss new protocols for shipments of fresh produce to the European Union. The new regulation comes into effect September 1 and requires a systems approach to certification of fresh apples, pears, cherries, blueberries (and related species), potatoes and …
Okanagan farmland sales rise
Property transfer data indicates that Okanagan farmland continues to be in strong demand. Statistics from the BC Ministry of Finance indicate that 103 farm properties in the Okanagan changed hands in the first six months of this year, up 39% from last year. This was more than in any other region, and accounted for 14% …
Trial decision expected
The future of proceedings against those charged of abusing chickens in 2017 could be decided this afternoon. An arraignment hearing – where those charged plead innocent or guilty, and opt for trial by judge or jury – was scheduled for July in Chilliwack, but was put over till August 28 in Surrey. Defense counsel requested …
BCAC defends pot growers
Cannabis should be treated just like any other agricultural crop, according to the BC Agriculture Council, which is opposing a bid by Metro Vancouver to regulate odours from pot producers and processors. Metro Vancouver launched a public consultation in June on the proposed cannabis emissions regulation. The consultation wraps up September 30. “Cannabis production has …
Where’s the beef?
Canadians who’ve tried plant-based burgers like the taste, but a significant proportion question whether they can stomach the cost. Survey results released this week by the Angus Reid Institute indicate 80% of consumers who’ve tried them enjoyed the taste of plant-based meats. However, 41% say the meat alternatives gave “poor” or “terrible” value for money. …
Clean plants build confidence
A certified supply of clean plants was the key to cleaning up New Zealand vineyards and keeping vine diseases at bay, says Vaughn Bell, senior scientist with the New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research. Bell was in the Okanagan last week as the featured speaker in this year’s Triggs International Premium Vinifera Lecture …