LAKE COUNTRY – BC’s cherry industry often refers to 2016 as the Vietnam year because of the sheer number of helicopters used to dry the crop. That harvest, at 17,495 tons, was more than 1,200 tons short of the record 2015 harvest, even though plantings had increased by 150 acres. The loss had a farmgate …
Small farmers raise concerns about CanadaGAP
VERNON – Government efforts to provide greater assurances of food safety are creating apprehension among smaller farmers regarding the additional work they will face in order to satisfy customer requirements. Randy Irwin, corporate retail operations manager with Vernon-based Nature’s Fare Market, sums up the situation well. “The problem with CanadaGAP is that it is government-supported …
Processing plant will cut transportation costs
VANCOUVER – The Western Milk Pool (WMP) has taken the first step in decreasing the cost of moving milk around the four western provinces and potentially increasing processing capacity in the West. “We have been working on strategies (to reduce freight costs and increase processing capacity) for the past three years,” BC Milk Marketing Board …
Pacific Ag Show keeps up with changing times
Sixty-two years ago, Fraser Valley raspberry and strawberry growers decided to host a day of technical seminars to help them address production issues. The sessions were held in the late winter while growers were not yet busy in their fields and in plenty of time for them to apply the knowledge they had gained to …
BC vets speak out for education
BC veterinarians are calling on advanced education, skills and training minister Melanie Mark to step up and fund 20 seats at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine in Saskatoon to address the province’s shortage of vets. The additional seats would give BC a total of 40 places at the college, which has a mandate to …
BC agrifood exports rise
BC’s agrifood sector rung up revenues of nearly $15 billion in 2018, the province reported on December 13, a 5.2% increase from a year earlier. “It was an excellent year for agriculture in British Columbia. The hard work of many has led to record results,” BC agriculture minister Lana Popham said in a press release formally …