This week marks the start of another season for the BC farmers’ market nutrition coupon program, which is being backed by nearly $1.9 million in provincial funding this year – a new record. BC health minister Adrian Dix announced the funding on June 5. “It is so important to ensure the farmers’ market is everyone’s …
Province boosts online grants
Overwhelming demand for provincial funding to support online sales activities has led the province to add $250,000 to e-commerce grants provided as part of the Buy BC program. The program reached capacity in just two business days after applications began being accepted on May 15. Applications continued to pour in, however, as the original deadline …
Biosolids project halted following harassment
KAMLOOPS – A project to transform a logging site into productive pasture using biosolids from the city of Kamloops has been sidelined after the rancher was the target of harassment. Conrad Schiebel of Turtle Valley Bison Ranch near Chase faced a road blockade, a social media smear campaign, defacement of his property and death threats …
Grand Forks ducks flood
The flood watch is not completely over for farmers and residents in Grand Forks, but there is good news. Heavy rains over the weekend raised the Granby and Kettle rivers to flood stage May 31 and by end of the day on June 1, the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary’s Emergency Operations Centre had issued …
Raspberry traits assigned values
BC produced nearly 15 million pounds of raspberries last year with an average farmgate value of $1.13 a pound. Now, researchers are hoping to pin a value on specific traits — such as size, colour and flavour — to figure out which cultivars have the best chance of boosting returns to growers. “There’s a whole …
Organic matter regulations delayed
Chalk up delays in the province’s revision of the Organic Matter Recycling Regulation to COVID-19. “We were anticipating regulatory updates to occur in fall 2020. However, at this point we are expecting this to be delayed due to COVID-19,” the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy told Country Life in BC this week. …