BC agriculture had an economic impact on the province of nearly $8.5 billion in 2019, according to a new study MNP prepared for the BC Agriculture Council and Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC. The figure represents the total output of the crop and livestock sectors, as well as indirect impacts from spending on supplies and …
Strong fundamentals for beef market
The early calf gets the price could be the story for this year’s fall cattle run. While prices were around $2.15 a pound for a 550 lb. steer through mid-October, pricing began to slip in the latter half of the month. “Things are really just getting going with the peak of the fall run happening …
Dairy sector demands action
Concessions under CUSMA, which replaced NAFTA at the beginning of July, have cost the BC dairy industry approximately $8.6 million to date. This week, through Dairy Farmers of Canada, producers called on Ottawa to announce compensation and a clear timeline for delivering the direct payments it promised the sector as a result of the new …
Poultry plant outbreak
A fifth meat processing plant in the province has suffered an outbreak of COVID-19. The outbreak was announced October 18 by Fraser Health Authority, which identified the location as the J. & L. Beef Ltd. plant at 17565 65A Avenue in Surrey. The plant operator is Sunrise Poultry Processors Ltd. The initial case tested positive …
Milk board wants froth
A surge in complaints from baristas has prompted the BC Milk Marketing Board to ask producers to test the foaming character of their milk prior to shipment. “‘Non-foaming’ milk continues to appear periodically … and has escalated rather significantly since late August,” a notice to producers this week stated. “Coffee shops compete on the quality …
Apple growers protest in Kelowna
To raise awareness of the challenges faced by the apple growers in Okanagan, the BC Fruit Growers Association sold apples at 12 cents a pound in Kelowna on Thanksgiving weekend. BCFGA billed the sale at the Kelowna Farmers and Crafters Market on October 10 the “BC Apples Farewell Tour” to highlight how low returns are forcing …