Dairy Farmers of Canada wants consumers to know that the Blue Cow logo is a sign that dairy products bearing the symbol are made from the milk of happy cows cared according to the industry’s long-standing proAction animal care initiative. “The Blue Cow is worth nothing without proAction, because everything that we do in proAction …
BC Veg consultation ends
This week marks the end of a consultation regarding the appointment of independent members to the BC Vegetable Marketing Commission as part of a broader review of governance. The deadline for submitting written feedback as part of initial input on new rules for the election of members and independent appointees is January 13. The review …
Pacific Ag Show postponed
The rise of the omicron variant of COVID-19 has cancelled several industry events planned for this month. Both the Pacific Agriculture Show and BC Dairy Industry Conference have made the difficult decisions to postpone in-person events until protocols around COVID-19 stabilize. While the Pacific Agriculture Show intended to decide by January 17 on whether or …
Dairy complaint succeeds
Canada’s use of tariff rate quotas in the dairy sector breaches the country’s obligations under CUSMA, the trade deal that replaced NAFTA on July 1, 2020, according to a settlement panel decision published this week. The decision stems from a complaint former US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer filed December 9, 2020. Lighthizer claimed that Canada’s reservation …
New year, old troubles
Weather woes and road closures continue to plague BC farmers, who entered the new year facing disruptions due to snow and ice. Arctic inflows sent temperatures across BC plummeting to record lows at the end of December, just six months after the province shattered high temperature records. Growers in the Lower Mainland still reeling from …