An engagement session for dairy producers scheduled for January 17 promised an opportunity for farmers to provide feedback on evolving flood mitigation work in the Fraser Valley. The session was called off because of weather and will be rescheduled to give producers current information on work by government and non-profits towards flood mitigation and resiliency …
Tesche to lead fruit growers
Melissa Tesche has been chosen to succeed Glen Lucas as general manager of the BC Fruit Growers Association. Lucas retires March 4, after a 25-year career in the industry. “We are happy to welcome Melissa to the team,” says BCFGA president Peter Simonsen. Lucas will support Tesche as she transitions into the new role and …
New low for ice wine
A combination of winter damage and warm weather has resulted in a record low ice wine harvest this winter. Just four wineries registered their intention to pick grapes for ice wine with the BC Wine Authority last fall, but by the time temperatures allowed for the harvest, just three proceeded. A total of 12 tonnes …
Challenges, opportunities ahead for farmers institutes
PORT ALBERNI – BC farmers’ institutes are calling on the government to review the legislation governing them to ensure it stays responsive to the evolving needs of local farm organizations and rural communities. Twenty-eight attendees representing 14 farmers’ institutes gathered online for Farmers Institute Day on November 30. The event was organized as part of …
Spallumcheen cuts, wraps deal for butcher hub
SPALLUMCHEEN – Merritt’s loss is the North Okanagan’s gain as the Small-Scale Meat Producers Association shifts its focus from a Nicola Valley abattoir to a butcher hub based in Spallumcheen. “We were able to pivot funds from the Nicola project to invest in the North Okanagan,” says SSMPA executive director Julia Smith. “This will be …
BC control zones revoked
The turn of the year brought a positive turn of events in the BC poultry sector’s battle against highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza. Two primary control zones (PCZs) in the province were revoked by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, including one in Langley on January 5 and second in the District of Kent on January …