OSOYOOS – While the 2024 grape crop across the southern Interior was 10% of normal thanks to the cumulative effects of extreme cold events in two consecutive winters, the losses weren’t spread evenly. BC growers typically harvest in the range of 30,000 tons of wine grapes, but in 2023 that fell to 19,570 tons. In …
Ag leaders honoured at gala
Reg Steward was named the 2024 Scotiabank Champion of Agriculture during the BC Agriculture Council’s annual Agri-Food Industry Gala in Abbotsford, January 22. Caught off-guard by the honour, Steward told the capacity-crowd of 450 he was speechless, then thanked “the people I work for, have worked for and work with.” Steward has been boots-on-the-ground with …
Apple growers discuss marketing commission
Apple growers will get a chance to hear more about and discuss a proposed apple marketing commission during grower consultation sessions on January 30 in Oliver and January 31 in Winfield. Inner Harbour Consulting principal Derek Sturko, a former assistant deputy minister with the province’s agriculture ministry, was hired to facilitate the process. Inner Harbour …
Farmer to Farmer event returns
The South Island Farmers Institute (SIFI) kicked off 2025 with the second edition of the revived Farmer to Farmer event, January 20-24. A combination of field days and workshops brought together farmers and growers for knowledge-sharing, capacity-building and networking. “The South Island Farmers Institute represents a dynamic group of growers and producers. We are committed …
Alberni growers face cutworm
A mild winter has provided favourable conditions for a surge in winter cutworm (Noctua pronuba) populations on central Vancouver Island. Alberni Clayoquot Regional District sustainability planner Amy Needham says populations are approaching outbreak levels in areas such as the Alberni Valley, though the exact cause is unknown. The appearance of the worm, the larval form …
Winter farm shows begin
The province’s largest agriculture show takes place January 23-25 at Tradex in Abbotsford, and exhibitors are ready. “There’s real demand,” says Pacific Agriculture Show organizer Jim Shepard. “The show sells out so quickly, we’ve got a long waiting list.” This year’s event, taking place alongside the Lower Mainland Horticultural Conference, will feature the latest in …