ABBOTSFORD – It is critical for the livestock industry to have both an emergency response plan and people trained to implement it, says BC Cattlemen’s Association general manager Kevin Boon. He admits he was skeptical about the value of participating in last spring’s discussions to develop an emergency response plan (targeted at animal diseases) but …
Province launches ALR review
Panel includes veterans, critics of farmland policies VICTORIA – The province kicked off the new year with a bang, announcing a nine-member panel to review and recommend steps for the revitalization of the province’s 45-year-old Agricultural Land Reserve. Headed by Port Alberni water buffalo farmer Jennifer Dyson, who until last year sat on the Agricultural …
Weed will be an ag product unlike any other
ABBOTSFORD – Growers hoping to cash in on Canada’s newest legal cash crop face plenty of challenges as government wrestles with how to treat a crop that has yet to receive legal standing. Cannabis is grabbing headlines in the mainstream media in advance of Canada legalizing recreational pot (expected by July 1), but Ottawa will …
The Back 40: It’s time for farmers to speak up
British Columbia’s Agricultural Land Reserve is about to mark its 45th anniversary. The landmark legislation was the first of its kind in North America when it was introduced by the NDP government of Premier Dave Barrett in 1973. It was immediately contentious and has remained so throughout its history. The fact that it still exists …
Cowichan goats inspire global ambitions
Vancouver Island start-up aims to revolutionize mastitis diagnosis DUNCAN – British Columbia goat farmer and cheesemaker Cory Spencer, his tech-savvy neighbour Damir Wallener and agricultural communications specialist Tamara Leigh have teamed up, formed a company and spent the latter part of 2017 participating in an international business accelerator program in New York City. The concrete …
Feedback sought on water regs
Proposed regulations are a long-standing industry priority VICTORIA – The provincial government is seeking public feedback on new livestock watering regulations. An intentions paper released in January focuses on cattle, which represent 96% of livestock grazing 21 million hectares of Crown rangeland and 5 million hectares of private rangeland across the province. Rangeland grazing is …