BC farmers won’t have to worry about losing farm class status of their properties in the coming year. The province announced July 29 that all properties currently classed as farms with the BC Assessment Authority would continue to hold that status on the 2021 tax roll. “Our government is committed to helping farmers maintain their …
BC organic growers flourish
BC is the leader in Western Canada when it comes to organic fruit and vegetable production, with more than 3,974 acres (not including potatoes), according to Statistics Canada. This is approximately 9.3% of the national total of 42,430 acres. Revenues from organically grown fruits and vegetables (excluding potatoes) from BC farms totalled $39.8 million last …
Blueberry plant faces COVID-19
At least 15 workers were infected with COVID-19 at Fraser Valley Packers Inc., a blueberry packing plant in Abbotsford, health officials announced on Monday. The plant is located at Short Road in Abbotsford. The investigation into the outbreak started on July 23. Teams from the Fraser Health Authority are working with the plant doing ongoing …
Wineries reopen amid COVID-19
Tweaks to public health regulations governing bars and restaurants will mean few changes for the province’s wineries. A surge in cases prompted the province’s public health officials to clamp down and ban dancing and require patrons to be seated to receive service at bars, restaurants and other licensed establishments. In addition, parties are limited to …
BC youth offer perspectives
British Columbia has three representatives among the 25 members selected for the new Canadian Agricultural Youth Council. Sara Kate Smith, Jessica Leung and Marcus Grymonpré are the council’s three members from BC, and bring a diverse set of perspectives and skills to the council. Smith may well be the best-known, having made her mark as …
Top vet appointed
BC has a new top vet. Dr. Rayna Gunvaldsen was appointed chief veterinarian on July 10, succeeding Dr. Jane Pritchard, who had served as top vet since 2013. A graduate of the University of Saskatchewan, Gunvaldsen specialized in herd health and regulatory medicine. Her studies also included specializations in large animal clinical sciences and swine …